a patience game

User Rating: 10 | Maple Story PC
this game is unlike other RPG gamesit has cool weapons n accerioes.

the weapons in maple story gets cooler wen u lvl.ex: the warior job can hold averi long spear and at the end there can be a half moon cresent.somtimes,u haff to think very carefully wheter u wan to buy this weapon becausethey can cost up to 1million messos!!!!!(messos=money in maplestory)

The good thing is that this game each different chrarcter has different types of skills.the 1 i like the most os the magician.it has unique attacks such as much claw,energy bolt etc.the assain is also good.It can ks(wad we in maple story called killsteal)people easily.if u wan to train wif indirect combat aiicks,i suggest u to choose 1 of these jobs:assain,ice/lightening wizard,fire posion wizard,cleric.

some peoplein maple story claims that theif armours are the cheapest.so, if u wan to save money, u would choose the path of theif.the armours also can cost very expensveXD.

i suugest you to go to the free market to buy whatever u nid(it is in henessys or perion.)Or,if u find it to expensive u wouls say b>(item that u wan)@@@@@people put the at to the max talking space is because they wan to attract attention.

If u have any problem selling things i think u should buy a prepaid card to buy a cash shop item called store permit.it allows people to look at ur shop to see wad they wan to buy from u.good right?o ya.if u wan to set up ur store u have to go to channel 1.look at all the rooms until u find a perfect spot.^_^

there are many items u can buy at the cash shop.if u look at the stats,u would see that everthing is 0.dont nid to worri.the cas shop items for clothes are juz to cover the armours that u think looks ugly.

pets are great bubbies when u are playing maple story.u can talk to them wen u are sad and happy.when u ur pets are lvl 15, u can control what they say.just by typing /pet (what u wan ur pet to say.)pets are cash shop items.after purchasing ur pet that u wan,go to meet cloy at hennesys.double click on ur pet and cloy will revive it for u.^_^if u wan to check the commands,go to www.maplesea.com

many problems gamers face in the game are quests,buiyng and selling items.if u wan to answer these question go to www.mapletip.com or www.hidden-street.net

there are places in the game that leads u to to hidden maps.if u wan to find them all,go towww.hidden-street.net