Maplestory is a fairly fun, very good looking game and could be a better game but the creators fail to deliver.
The Good
- The retro 2D graphics and , if you will, "whacky" art style create a
truly unique world.
- Fun Bosses
- Party and Guild quests, which are quests that take a certain amount of people to complete. This is in my opinion the best part of the game.
-The present classes are varied and fun to play.
The Bad
-Grinding. To get to the party quests, you have to train. Training involves killing the same monster over and over again with the same attack for hours on end. This can easily outweigh the fun of the party quests.
-The people. About 45% of the people that play this game are HUGE DICKS that have nothing better to do than make your gaming experience as bad as possible. Another 45% of the people that play this game are pre-pubescent teens that don't know how to communicate and bring PQs (party quests) to a screeching halt while they try to wrap their minds around jumping on numbered blocks in order. Another 5% are people that can't speek english. All you hear from them is "ISRAEL?!?!? I SPEEEK ISRAEL. TRQAIN?@?@? The last 5% of people that play this game are actually nice people you would like to affiliate yourself with.
-Money. The prices in this game fluctuate so much, you could buy an item for 9,000,000 mesos one month, and then the next month the price drops to 2,000,000 and your short 5,000,000 mesos (which is a lot in this game, anybody who says it's not falls into the dick category).
-Nexon. Nexon is the creator of maplestory. Their lack of the english language can account for much of the utter crap in this game.
-The Cash Shop. The cash shop is a store in maplestory is a store where you can spend really money on in game items that disappear in 90 days. When this thing first came I didn't think anyone in their right minds would pay, but alas, people did. And if you don't, you will be severely handicapped.
-Super Megaphones. They're these things that allow people to send a message to everyone else in the game. You can only imagine what some people say.
Now, it may seem like the cons grossly outweigh the pros but it's actually a pretty even balance that results in a pretty good game.
These are my characters if you want proof
that I'm am experienced enough to review
this game.
Fieht - 83
EskimoeJoe - 73
DroppedD - 49
Opagung - 38 and 23
(I started over on this guy at 38 and got bored at 23)
DeanPortman - 27
Saluco - 21