This game fluctuates from interesting to quite boring.

User Rating: 6 | Maple Story PC
After rolling with a die to finally get the correct stats in character creation, which can be rather time consuming, you enter the 2-d world of basically killing monsters (grinding) and doing some quests here and there, which leads you back to killing. Honest to god, you can't do much else except get "married" in-game to someone which can be cool I guess, but you never know who they really are and there's no real benefit. You can also pay about an average of $3 for a PIECE of clothing for your character. Now times that for shirt, pants, gloves, shoes, capes, hats, glasses, pets, effects around you, as well as items that enhance your text in game, BUT none of these items actually improve your stats. So basically it's just for looks. After buying all you did to make yourself look cool, you could've spent more than $50! And even better yet, it only last for 90 days!!! WOW, I love those benefits. . .

The layout of the game is quite interesting. When changing places, you push the "up" arrow key on a portal which transports to the next map. Its a fairly decent size game regarding the map, 2-d wise. It can get tiring when traveling because to get to some places you actually have to wait 15 min. until the next flying ship comes. As for game play, its somewhat nice because you don't click on a monster and it automatically attacks for you, well you can actually set it to that. But you push the attack button and it hits the monster if your in range. There are also special moves for each class of course.

But besides the usual, its just another MMO where you grind and mix in a couple of things, but if you seriously look at the big picture and think about what you can "actually" do in the game, its really just killing crap. It's cool for a while because it's something different (different thing is really just the fact that its 2-d), but it can get incredibly boring. If you're the type of person that likes grinding for hours, days, months, years (no joke), THEN THIS IS THE GAME FOR YOU!!! But if you're the type that likes to take a break from questing and do some other activity in the game, THEN THIS IS NOT THE GAME FOR YOU. . .