Amazing, I Just Love It

User Rating: 9.3 | Maple Story PC
I found out about this game from a friends of mine and it looked pretty good, so i downloaded it and was hooked in a matter of minutes. You play as yourself. You make your own character, change hair, face etc. Then you go out into the big bad world. Well, first you goto Maple Island where you learn the tricks of the trade. Then, you head out into the big bad world. You are based on victoria island and here you can choose a job. Either warrior, Magician, Thief or Archer. They all have there own special abilities such as warriors have strong swrod attacks whilst magicians have strong magical attacks. This game is always being added to with new items, special events, new cloths, more job advancmetns etc. This game is free to play and free to download and its free to make an account. If you want you can buy things with realy money from the Cash shop, these items are normally clothes or pets. If you love MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games) You'll probably enjoy this. It all depends if its your kinda thing really