Interesting idea, bad gameplay

User Rating: 3.4 | Maple Story PC
This game, in my opinion, would be nice for people with a extremely large amount of free time and would most likely appeal to the more immature players and young children.

Why do I say it's for people with lots of free time? Once you get to choose your class, it takes an obscenely large amount of time to level up, and by obscene I mean a good day or two per level if you grind for hours upon hours. I think it took me a whole week to gain two levels due to the fact that kill thieves keep taking my kills.

Why do I say it's for the more immature people and young children? "Cute" looking monsters, as a young child of a family friend told me, and bobble headed characters make the fighting seem a lot less violent that it actually is.

I personally loathe this game due to the fact that people can just wait for you to nearly kill your target and then rush in and deal the fatal blow and they gain all the experience and loot.

Lack of quests also makes this game very bad for there is no reason for you to get stronger other than to kill stronger stuff whereas at least in RF Online, you gain strength to fight off the opposing faction.

Despite it's name, THERE IS NO STORY LINE WHATSOEVER!!! Makes the game very boring.