Marathon Durandal, what a great name, I cant get over it. Anyway, back on topic, Marathon Durandal is a first person shooter with a rather confusing, puzzle/maze based story mode that many new gamers may not like much. You play as a random Space dude out to kill some aliens. In addition to that you can play with 7 other people to conquer the story mode. Marathon Durandal also has a fully featured multi player mode that has some familiar game modes if you played Halo before this. This mode also supports 8 players. All the weapons feel well balanced and have their own strengths and weaknesses. In addition to the single player features there is a survival mode which is my personal faviorate part of the whole game were you are given more weapons and ammo that would make Bruce Willis blush and you kill endless waves of enemies until your unavoidable death. The Graphics look Very nice and smooth and have been redid to accommodate HD Screens, however many people are complaining of motion sickness, which i have never gotten in my whole life but if you are one of thoose few i suggest turning off camera bobbing which will help. If you are looking for a good arcade game of FPS or just wanna know what bungie did before Halo then this is your game.
I'm going to make this very short and sweet. This game is the entire reason I got interested in gaming in the first place. Without Bungie and Marathon 2: Durandal, I wouldn't be as interested in it as I am today. T... Read Full Review
I have never played a Marathon game before however I love FPS's. So I did my research on the game and then downloaded the trial on XBLA. I have to say that I wanted more after playing the demo so I purchased the full g... Read Full Review