Why Hasn't This Game Gotten A More Recent Port? It's One Of The Most Challenging Out There!

User Rating: 9 | Marble Madness NES

These days, a lot of video game players take for granted, the amount of perks that they can get when it comes to video games being re-released via Virtual Console Services on modern day video game systems such as the Nintendo Switch. Back in the late 1980's, one of the hardest video games out there (but still SO satisfying to beat), was this challenging arcade platform game! In this game, the idea of the game is very simple. All you have to do, is to control your marble, and get it from the start, all the way to the bottom, and keep doing that for every stage you have to beat! Of course, that concept is easier said than done! For starters, this game uses relatively realistic (especially for the time) momentum physics, meaning that when you go down a slope, it's a lot harder to control yourself and stop, and you need to time your turns just right, or you might end up accidentally flying off the edge of the stage! Compounding matters, is that sometimes; rival N.P.C. marbles will occasionally be trying to knock you off! While this is definitely one of the hardest arcade-based platform games out there; you have to remember that they only HAD eight bits of graphics and memory to work with back than. And since they couldn't make the game be TOO long, they had to work around that by legitimately making the game BE harder to figure out how to beat, so that video game players would play with it, longer! I think this video game is long overdue for a brand new video game port on a brand new system, because video game players of today, deserve to play a game that's as challenging as this one! I did, and I highly recommend playing it, either on this system; or on the go on the Game Boy! Enough said, true believers!