A definate unique great.

User Rating: 9.5 | Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure PS2
Getting Up is very good in terms of storylines, character development, and graphics and great graffiti artwork.

I don't really have a problem with the game.

When you first start playing the game, the controls are very excellent. Very easy to follow, not a problem at all and stays that way throughout the game.

The graphics are fantastic especially the 'Very Special' cutscenes (i.e. The opening movie) and so is the graffiti.

It's nearly flawless when your putting up a 'piece'(graf talk for artwork), except a couple of times I saw one or two sitting a few inches from the wall, but other than that, any piece you put up, whether it be aerosol or wheatpaste posters, is great.

Now, onto the thing that I hated the most...the music.

I know graffiti is associated with rap/hip-hop (sadly), but c'mon.

HALF of the game is filled with it. It may be just me, but I'm a rock, metal, and punk (not boys like girls stuff, I mean REAL PUNK like Rise Against) type of guy. So, I could've done a lot without the rap-crap but some of the songs were okay, such as Fort Minor's song and RJD2's instrumental for the game "Welcome To New Radius". Another thing I hated was that in some scenes some of the characters referred to others as the 'N' word.

Other than the music issue, this is a great game for anyone who follows the graffiti lifestyle, especially when you see some of the graf legends like Cope2, Futura, and OBEY.

I mainly bought this for the graffiti and storyline just to let everyone know.

So, if you like easy controls, great artwork, great storylines and characters, or just plain graffiti, I strongly recommend you get "Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure", you won't be disapointed.