This game is one of the most overrated games featured on! Buy it at your own risk as it's extremely
User Rating: 2.9 | Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure PS2
I was eagerly waiting for this game when i first heard of this game.But i was really really dissapointed with it.I did'nt like the graphics,theeffects(pretty irratating).The gameplay was'nt nice as it becomes monotnous till you reach the next city.It's just another one of those titles trying to cash in after GTA:San Andreras urban game boom.I would recommend you to rent it and under no circumstance should you buy this @#$% ! I wasted my allowance on this and that's why i tried to like the game but i really could'nt.The only good part is the music which really has some nice tracks,but even then it's nothing more than the common Hip-Hop and R&B that you hear constantly on the radio and on the Television.