With a great stroyline easy corols and new ways to play this game is phenomal
User Rating: 9 | Mario & Luigi RPG 3!!! DS
Have u wondered what is inside boswer? Well u ,mario, and luigi r about to find out. In this game not only do u play as Mario and luigi,but also as boswer! The conrols are so easy that a cave man can do it;). Also with all these special powers u can do it brings up more ways to battle! And there r also mini games in that game.The story mode itself took me probably about 7-11 hours. Sometimes i would just keep playing the game. With so many bosses enemies and other stoff u will be hooked on this game for a long time. Also so many fancy movemants u can do. Like the (what i call it) the tornado glide.Also when u think the game is almos done,its not.U can also make boswer as strong as superman by doing stuff to his arm.Wow so many things u can do in this game. I highly recommend this game for anyone for any age.