This game is a very good sequalto the GBA game but better.

User Rating: 9.3 | Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time DS
Mario and Luigi partners in time (DS) is the sequel to Mario and Luigi super star saga for the GBA. In this humorous RPG you have to (of course) rescue princes Peach from aliens that capture her. Eventually, you go back in time and fiend Mario and Luigi as babies. You get control the normal Mario and Luigi, use them all at the same time or just control the babies. The major change in this sequel is the bro attacks. You have to use all four of the brothers to use the bro items. The graphics in this game are 2D just like super star saga. This game uses both screens of the Ds. Sometimes you have the babies on this top screen and at the same time have the older brothers on the bottom screen. All together, this game is very fun and a good sequel.