Good game, but not good enough to be a sequel.
The gameplay itself is quite good, giving experienced players more edge, but allowing the beginners to still do well. The storyline, while it might not be thrilling, has enough twists to keep the game enjoyable, at least for the first time through. Also, as a veteran of number one, as long as I did not wear the "dangerous, power-boosting" clothes, this game was quite simple.
The graphics are also good, showing some of Nintendo's better works. However, none of them are truly memorable.
The sound is only decent. Again, nothing will stick with you five minutes after playing it, but it does its job well enough.
The value is where the game takes a nose-dive. The story, while it may be long enough, it is not the same epic adventure that the first one was. The storyline does not nearly have enough umph to make me want to play it again, and the jokes so rampant in number one become just an occasional laugh.
This is a good game, but it does not live up to the standards set from the first one. I can recommend this game to anyone who has not played the first, but to those who have, don't expect this game to be up on that level.