I don't Know how does people can give it less than 10!!!
this game is meant to be played.. is the most perfect game in my hall life..
If this game have a zillion part i would have bought it all seriously..
At last this game can kill you if you started playing it and stopped before completing...
Now for real review
Graphics ==== 10 from 10
Game Play === 10.5 from 10
Game Play Time === will a little long, I will give it 9
Sounds === 10 from 10
Now why people give it less than 10:...
To be honest there is not a single perfect game, and that is just because there is no perfect human, so on the human scale this game would be perfect..
Ok sometimes you will just get stuck and doesn't know where to go, but come on if the game was too easy it would be just... will dull and boring..
This is what I think so till me what you think..
Send me some massages I big you..