Mario and Sonic - Underrated and Unappreciated.

User Rating: 8.5 | Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games WII
The very first venture into a crossover game between Mario and Sonic. According to Gamespot, and most major game reviewers, It was lackluster and filled with horrid controls, boring games and some of the worst multiplayer action they've ever seen. I beg to differ.

Mario and Sonic, on it's surface, is not a perfect game. It's not as "Pick Up and Play"-able as other party games such as Mario Party, but in the end , I feel like it's more fun, and it actually take some skill, rather than random luck.

Delving into the control scheme, I found that sometimes, I did have problems... at first. The Javelin throw especially threw me off, not exactly knowing my character would hop before he hit the line, thus causing me to foul with each throw. But as with any game, practice makes perfect, and I'm throwing like a true Olympiad now. Otherwise, I find nothing wrong with the control scheme, but again, it may differ from player to player, and how "skilled" your hands are. Don't give up, and you'll be rewarded with World Records galore.

What ever happened to practice? Gamers are so content with picking something up and being able to play it, they forget that sometimes, a game just wont hand you a win. You truly need to earn it in this game. I think most of the problem is in the hands of the gamers themselves, and honestly, it's a breath of fresh air when I can't pick up a game and completely destroy it within the first day of playing it.

Kudos to Nintendo and Sega for keeping this game easy, but with a bit of a learning curve, so it may entertain all party game enthusiasts. That is, if you like a bit of challenge.