An awesome game with multiple sports to suite everyone no matter what you like.
You have a large amount of characters to choose from at total of 16 and you should always pick the rite character for the rite event. An example would be sonic going into a running race since he's a speed type. There are 4 types of characters speed, skill, strength and all rounds.
You have a massive amount of events to choose from though most of the games have to been unlocked. Most events are multiplayer so you can have your whole family play. The events are fun but some of the harder ones like skeet and archery need practice.
As you know Mario and Sonic games are cartooned so this lead to another cartooned game. The characters look life like and the background of the event is really cool.
There are many different sections in this game such as single player, circuit, mission, gallery and records
Single player is also a multiplayer section this is where you choose the event and characters the main section of the game.
Circuit is basically an event unlocker you go through circuits which are like tournaments with 3 to 5 events and at the end you receive gold silver or bronze medals or nothing based on your performance if you don't come 1st 2nd or 3rd well then you don't unlock the next circuit. This is a section you should tackle to unlock more events so you can enjoy the game. But you may find once you finish all circuits the purpose of the game disappears.
Mission is a skill section where you are asked to take on some really hard challenges such as breaking a certain record or doing an event perfectly. You choose a character and they give you a few challenges each character has different challenges but they are extremely hard to pull off. It's a fun and challenging section however you may not attempt it allot.
Gallery is an Olympic game trivia and mini game section. You play mini games to unlock other mini games although it isn't that fun. This section seems pointless so you may attempt it like very rarely and probably shouldn't of been included because it's just down rite boring!
Finally record's is just a section to track your record's simple as that.
In conclusion Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games is a fun game but it just doesn't feel finished they could have added a few more things to make it better but overall it's just ok but isn't really a game for people who aren't into sport or the Olympic games.