I haven't had to work out this much since Wii Sports.

User Rating: 7.5 | Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games WII
Sonic and Mario have always been rivals. Anyone who's been a gamer since the days of the NES and Genesis know this. Heck, even newer gamers know of this rivalry, that's just how legendary it is.

So, it would only make sense that Mario and Sonic would move to the level of Olympic games, right? That's what this game is all about. Sonic vs. Mario, in the Olympic games.

No matter the event or circuit you pick, you always have to pick a character, either from the Mario or Sonic universe. Each character is grouped into 4 categories: General, Speed, Technique, and Power. As you can probably guess, these categories tell what a character specializes in.
-General (like Mario) are neither good nor bad in any event.
-Speed (like Sonic) have an advantage in running events.
-Technique (like Tails) have an advantage in events like diving and fencing.
-Power (like Bowser) have an advantage in events like Javelin throwing.

If you just can't choose, you could also upload your Mii right into the action.

The game extensively uses the Wii-mote and Nunchuck. Running events have you pumping your arms, archery has you act like you're actually pulling back an arrow, so on and so forth. What this game doesn't tell you is that it WILL make you sore. Remember how sore you got after playing Baseball on Wii Sports? Sonic and Mario is twice as hard. For example, in the 100 M dash, you must constantly pump your arms to get ahead; the computer is not going to give you any slack. The fact most sports require you to move so much and so fast may be a turn off for the lazy. Personally, I see it as fun. What better way to work out than having my favorite character blazing past the finish line?

Some events are a little bit iffy. Fencing, for example, is basically a game of rock-paper-scissors, and while you can figure your opponent out, the winner is usually determined by who counters first. Swimming is another sport that is difficult. Every character has a different swimming style, and you have to learn it before the race begins. This wouldn't normally be a problem, but some styles are hard for the Wiimote to pick up, causing you to lose the race.

All in all, Sonic & Mario is another game that's meant to get you in shape (sort of). It's physically grueling races and spotty controls are a little bit of a turn off, but it's still a very enjoyable game. I mean, who would you rather see win 8 gold medals in swimming - Michael Phelps or Dr. Robotnik?
