Mario and Sonic can almost coexist

User Rating: 6.5 | Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games WII
The big problem with this game is the controls. Sometimes you don't know how to judge things and it senses way off. Other times there just mindless wiimote swinging and can get tiresome, other times you just dont know what your doing and find some of the games just annoying. You are just left to learn and pretty much practice the movements of the olympic games. The learning curve is very simple though. They have a quick tutorial that you can go to before the game that describes what to do. I was only left wondering what to do a couple of times. Then again their controls make the game fun. The controls are one of the most creative ive seen for the wii and make it really fun. The character selection is pretty good and a plus side you can just use your Mii if you dont like Mario or Sonic. The single player mode difficulty jumps from sadly easy to OMG WTF you can't win. Down right it's just a party game and fun with friends. I was really let down with Archery. It was nothing like archery. It was more like, well I don't know it was undescribable for words. It was just really awkward.