its better than the first but it still fails to deliver an good game.

User Rating: 6 | Mario & Sonic at Vancouver Olympics WII
this game brings two of the most famous gaming icons of all time to the winter olympics....yeah i dont know either? the first title failed to deliver so mario and sonic are back in a sequal. because its a sequal you would think they would fix the errors that brought down the first one, sadly thats not the case. one thing that saves the game from being a total disaster is the story mode. well i guess its a story mode? im not sure. another improvment is that its a little more belivable that marios team can actually compete with sonics team in these events. lets be honest if these two icons were to really meet at the summer olympics sonics team would have destroyed marios! how is mario supposed to keep up with sonic on a track? but that was then this is now.another turn for the better is customizable gear and even though the customize options are really bad it still gives you options. but the main problem with this game is that its just not very fun. the events are played very similar and just not very exciting.