This game is better than it gets credit for, but in order for it to be great, you need multi-player

User Rating: 8 | Mario Basket: 3 on 3 DS
This could have been the game that defined the DS, if only they had given it Wi-Fi capabilities. Without those, this game doesn't offer much unless you know other people who own the game. Luckily I do, so I was able to play some multiplayer games with them. While the computer can offer a decent challenge, there is nothing like beating a friend, or dunking the ball in their face!! Multiplayer also unlocks a few boards and balls for you to use. The game has some pretty difficult controls, and some time needs to be taken to learn all the different moves, although you'll probably only use a few, you need to be prepared for whatever can be thrown your way. Tons of characters to pick from, although there isn't much a difference between a big burly Bowser, or a quick little Diddy Kong. I have had a ton of fun playing this game by myself but I really enjoy it when I can play it with others.