An extremely smooth game that utilizes the DS's touch screen to perfection.
-Just for a bit of advice, this game will be much more fun after you do the tutorials.-
-Also, this game is way less fun when you chose "easy mode" where you can use the arrows. It may sound odd, but the styles control is the way to go-
One thing that might turn you off to this game is the idea of styles only control in a sports game. I admit I had my worries but I did not regret buying this game at all. This game is super fun.
Pros: Fun Innovative Controls, Unlockable Characters, Good Multiplayer, Just plain fun gameplay.
Cons: Because you do use the left trigger, it is hard to play this game without setting it on a a table or your lap. It lacks a franchise mode.
*My single reason for giving the "Reviewer's Tilt" a "6" is because in my opinion, a sports game without a franchise mode is just not as much fun. The actual gameplay is as good as one could want, but there is still not franchise, it doesn't give the player much of a sense completion or satasfaction.
Graphics: I haven't seen a DS game yet with graphics this good (with the possible exception of Nintendogs.) The character models are great for the DS, the animations are very cool (especially on the special shots). And the flashy effects on the special shots are extremely impressive.
The sound is very appropriate, good effects, good music.
Final Thoughts:
If you like the idea of Mario playing basketball and you don't mind not having a franchise mode, you should buy this game, not doubt about it. If you're not sure about not having the franchise mode, you might want to keep an eye out for this one used.