the best mario kart game, and does certainley not deserve a 6.4.

User Rating: 8.8 | Mario Kart 64 N64
i love this game, i usually play this game with my pals, and man, do we have fun, and also gamespot, what the heck were you guys thinking? this game deserves more then a 6.4!

this game at least deserves an 8.8 at best, and is a really classic game next to super mario 64. i'm saying that both of these games are amazing.

i was never a huge fan of racing games, but this game, and the classical Crash Team Racing got me into racing games, so i owe them one for that, right?

i think this game is WAY too underrated, i don't know why, but in my opinion, this game is a classic racing game, right under CTR, but still, this is a must buy.