The only game labeled "Mario" I have ever played, and probably will ever play, for more than 100 hours
Mario Kart 64 - a racing game on one of (at least it seems to be) Nintendos least popular consoles - N64. I don't play racing games alone - it has to be against a friend. This and the first "Need For Speed" for PC are the only racing games I have throughouly enjoyed.
Play it with a friend to get most out of it. Use power-ups scattered around the track to get yourself an advantage on your opponents - shooting turtle-shells, planting bananas or using a bolt to stun and slow all other racers.
Racing just by yourself against AI opponents gets a bit tedious fast though. After a couple of race-throughs you will mostly win quite easily. At least on the first couple of tracks. Later on, some tracks can get a bit longer and harder.
The difficulty modes are presented as 50, 100 and 150 cc. On 150 cc the race goes the fastest and it is the most fun mode me thinks.
I am sure there are better racing games than this out there, but I found this to me both fun and charming in quite large doses.