Wahoo! Dis game is da wiener(in an awesome way)!!
Gameplay: 9/10
This game contains 16+ playable characters, which alone is amazing. There are also 16+ karts, which is awesome too. Otherwise the formula is the same. 50cc, 100cc, 150cc and eventually the mirror class is all intact. Also here are 4 cups, and a new All Cup Tour, which totally speaks for itself. Also included is that co-op mechanic. You can now hold two items at a time, and there are double-items to compensate for that. As for the items, the special character's items are welcome additons to the items stable and very well break any remaining monotony.
Graphics: 10/10
The game's graphics are utterly DAZZLING. No GC game(or most games on any platform for that matter) released a YEAR or less later than MKDD will best its graphics. Sure, some models can use some more polygons, but EVERY game(especially '03s) 'can use some more polygons', and this game has more than enough. All the character models are beautifully rendered.
The developer made a second daring change, and that is to make every kart(all also beautifully rendered), well, different from standard go-karts (with the execption of two modified two-seater go-kart-like karts), which makes every kart unique in its own awesome way. The models range from standard ATV-like karts and weird mustached karts(it's not Mario's, though) and big wooden coaches to modified baby carriages and karts with heads on them and a bunch of pipes. The courses are superb as well(Obviously, there is a new, never before seen, awesome, better-worked-on RAINBOW ROAD(and a great Bowsers' Castle too, of course). Every course, character and kart feels and looks different in their own special way.
Sound: 9/10
The sound is spectacular. Each track has their own great beat(though sometimes one is used in multiple courses) to it(as with the karts, and there are around a dozen different engine noises). The racers all make their remarks when they pass a team, get hit, get hit REALLY hard, etc. Most of them are somehow less annoying and more tangible than the other versions'. They do get repititive, but not quite as easily as any other Mario Kart game's.
Value: 9/10
You would take at least 5 hours to beat all of the cups at all of the classes, and at least 3 more to 'perfect' them. But, as with other Mario Kart games, the value really shines when you grab a friend(or two, three, even seven for a LAN experience). There are 3 different battle modes: A standard Balloon Battle, Shine Thief, where everybody tries to hold a 'shine' for the longest cumulative amount of time and finally Bob-Omb Blast, where everybody tries to blow up other players 3 or 4 times in a row (A victim of an opponent's explosion will be deprived of one point, if they have one, to give the 'killer'). There is also a standard vs. mode. My only knack against this game that you as 1 player cannot play vs or battle(a problem that was fixed by MKDS). Otherwise, superb value.
Tilt: 9/10
This game is truly the best in series, and I(as well as a whole bunch of other Mario Kart-happy people) highly recommend it. This game also sports an awesome exotic awards ceremony, which is definitely worth looking at. All the decents(especially people who like Mario Kart) should have this game.