Such a great game that the whole kart seiries is killing other racing games.
User Rating: 9.6 | Mario Kart DS (DS Bundle) DS
This game is the best out of the seires. I loved when I first started. I got up that morning and beat all of the 50 cc races. You can also do battle with comps. Thank lord you can do battles with computars. You can also get new items like blooper and bullet bill. For my ratings I will have gave everything a ten except for sound and review tilt. Those get nines. I might even form a union for this game. There is only one problem.Luigi always gets in last place for no reason giving. Always worse then forth place. These are the ratings for some of the other Kart games
Double Dash 9.1
Mario Kart 64 8.9
I hope you all liked my review and my Avatar and its time for me to say good bye for now.