great game!! the official wifi review
the single player pretty much remains the same from double dash!! or mario kart 64 if you played those games and liked them then youll love this. but the reason im writing this review is because of the fantastic online play, mario kart ds was one of the first wifi enabled games on the market so for the wifi to be so good from the beginning is great! basicly what you can do on mario kart wifi is do a race with up to four players you also have freind codes, freind match ups, rival matches, world wide matches and reigonal matches. if for some rreason you cant get onto wifi you can always challenge one or four of your freinds to a match, oh and by the way your the only on who needs a card to play either a bettle or a race agenst them. Wifi does have some kinks to it though for example a controversal move known as snaking were the player swerves back and forth on the track and constantly gets power boosts, but if you can look past that then wifi on mario kart is perfect.
all in all mario kart ds is a great game that people of all ages will enjoy!