mario rocks the racecar old-skool. LOL! COOL WHIP! ^_^

User Rating: 9.2 | Mario Kart DS (DS Bundle) DS
its all-buttons control makes a game that could be made on an SP.

GAMEPLAY: slightly repetitive, but it stays fun for a looonngggg time
all button control make it less complicated like games such as the sims 2 ,
which uses both the buttons and the stylus... very annoying for a lefty like myself.

GRIPHICS: very realistic movement, though i dont get it why they bob their heads when they turn...

SOUND: very realist revving. small taunts are funny.

VALUE: i got it for a gift, so i dont know the price, so i give it a respectable 8

TILT: well, if i COULD choose two categories, i would choose old-school, AND just plain fun. Great game. Great game.