Best in the whole mario kart world

User Rating: 10 | Mario Kart DS (DS Bundle) DS
Wow i was thinking that this game would have been as bad as the others but omg it wasnt. And to think they were giving this game away for free because when you buy a red ds that right strikes thoughts in your mind. I think if they didnt give this game away for free then they would of made some $ but they also made some money buy getting people to buy the ds and this game. So onto the game BEST IN THE MARIO KART WORLD. It was so fun and i didnt care that it was like 10 min to learn the controls because its a really fun racing game and i know thatt you will love this game if you buy it. Its not a rent kinda game its a buy kinda game i loved it and i just know if your into the mario kinda games and you like racing games too then this is the best game for you.