though lacking in options on nintendo wi-fi, you'll still find a pretty solid game that is finely polished.

User Rating: 8.8 | Mario Kart DS (DS Bundle) DS
lets just say that nintendo knows what they're doing.
mario kart ds is a fine example of how to improve upon and existing franchise and appeal to the hardcore fans as well as those who are modest gamers. mario kart ds has fun and varied gameplay while remaining true to the spirit of the original. though the graphics have a low poly count, there is so much more in this title to keep you coming back.

the gameplay is well done and easy to pick up and though wi-fi support may not blow you away, there is some satisfaction to hitting the elites in other countries with oh so many color variations of shells.

you will keep coming back to this game, that is all you must know for now, to learn more, buy the game, play waluigi pinball or airship fortress, partake in battle mode, design your emblem for online purposes, actually go online, and if you happen to be in last place, rely on my friend named bullet bill.

who would have thought such a high quality experience could be on an "underpowered" portable.

go buy it imediatly, if you dont own a ds, this is the reason to get one, just try not to get owned yourself.