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User Rating: 8.8 | Mario Kart DS (DS Bundle) DS
I loved this game when i first got it, but after like 2-3 weeks it got a bit boring
though, the game is great, its my favourite DS game so far, maybe its just me with that it gets boring after a short while, well i don't think so....but i highly recommend to buy MK DS.
I haven't tried the Nintendo WI-FI yet because we don't have a wireless router home...but when we get one... I'm going to try it out.
I haven't tried every MK games, but i favour-ise this one. MK DD wasn't so great, I've completed it like 5 times with one of my friends (I know 5 times ain't much, but whatever). And then it was MK 64....i think, well i kind of miss it now I wish i didn't give away my N 64 to my nephew.
Well back to MK DS....When you drive Wario, it looks like his arm's are all flat, I can't explain see for your self, and another thing, DK's voice sounds like a donkey/horse, and that is NOT a gorilla, and Bowser has an ugly voice, same as in MK DD. One thing that is cool is that you can paint your own emblem, and write your own nickname(DUH).
And there are missions to get done in there too, plus staff time's on the time trials (YAY) and they are HARD to beat, with the same car as them,
or maybe its just me...I'm not really good so its hard for me (lol...its true).
The only bad thing with this game is that my thumb started to hurt a bit after playing, for having my thumb in same position for an hour or so:(.

That's all I have to say about Mario Kart DS so , good day to you sir/miss.

PS. This was probably the worst review ever, because I don't know anything about writhing reviews, and because it was my first...please forgive me.