A Mario-Kart dream come true
GAME PLAY: This game is your typical Mario Kart game with the shell-shooting and what-not. This game got pretty boring after 50 cc was completed because all of the courses are anything but original. There's even a course entitled "Shroom Ridge". (Mushroom Bridge anyone?)
GRAPHICS: I don't even know where to start on this game. It has disgusting graphics that look as if the belong on the PS1. The DS can supposedly handle 128-bit graphics which are the Gamecube's standard graphics. Why don't they make good use of them and put a little effort into this game?
SOUND: I have one word for the music of this game: really bad. I know that was two words but come on, be original! Double Dash!! had some of the best Mario Kart music to date. If you are familiar with "DK Mountain" from the GCN, you will notice that "Yoshi Waterfall" had similarly-sounding music. And not to mention the "Mario Circuit" music ...
VALUE: As I have said before, this game definitely does not live up to the Mario Kart title.
Well, there you have it. If you are a poser gamer, the why don't you go out and get it just like all of your other chums? And if you are a respectable Nintendo Trooper, then take an experienced player's word for it and please, save your money for Nintendo Revolution.