old school and new school mario kart put together to make the best mario kart game yet!
Mario Kart DS has tracks from the N64,snes,GBA and GC plus lots of new tracks.It has most characters from Mario games like Toad,DK and Waluigi and each player has 7 karts to choose from( some you must unlock )
There are single player which has grand prix (which we all know is the kinda story or main thing to do) it has time trials and in vs you can go against coms in races in teams or as individuals,theres also battle which has balloon battle and shine runners and finally last but not least missions is where you are asked to do tasks in six different levels like get coins or break boxes before the time runs out! at the end of every level you fight a boss ( some you might know )
so it is very hard to get bored of this game!
Now besides all that theres also multiplayer where you can play against your friends if they have a DS and only one person has to have the game to play it!
And the all new thing that no other Mario Kart games had: online mode or as it says in the game: Nintendo wfc where you can play against people around the world.Now there are some problems, you need wireless broadband but if you reading this you probably do!