The best mario kart to date

User Rating: 9.2 | Mario Kart DS (DS Bundle) DS
Mario kart originally debuted for the SNES a while back, it became a popular series with mario kart 64, and even more popular with mario kart double dash for GCN. NOW, mario kart is on DS packing wifi and a tremendous amount of characters.

The graphics of this game is equivilent to that of the 64 game, basically just like mario kart 64.

The gameplay is really good, its basic mario kart action with racing, and power ups. there are many karts too choose from, and by choosing those karts have different capabilitys. Say u use bowser, u will have slow accelleration, but when u hit ur top speed u go really fast, the same thing with yoshi just the other way around.

This game really shines with the number of tracks, it packs a wonderful 32 tracks, 16 are from the past. there is also a game where u can play balloon battle, with the computer which was indeed a fantastic addition.

This game is the first game to feature online DS play, the online play is a 4 person race with about 12 of the 32 stages available.

Value wise this game is great and definetly one of the best DS games out there, this game is definetly a recommended buy, for all DS owners.