only cart ricing game i like it

User Rating: 9.5 | Mario Kart Wii (w/ Racing Wheel) WII
Yup indeed Mario Kart Wii is considered as a strong hit for Super Mario series. The game is reaLLy awesome when you pLay it with your friends, but when you pLay the game aLone then it's not that fun compared to pLaying the game with your friends. What's reaLLy cooL is that the pLayer has 3 options when choosing the type of joystick, 1st option is that the pLayer can use the Wii joystick aLone (without the other controLLer and it's considered the hardest way), the 2nd option is that the pLayer can use both of the Wii's controLLers, and the Last option which is considered as the easiest of aLL is by using the GameCube controLLer. At the end Mario Kart Wii is trueLLy an awesome game that tends to grab the attention of many pLayers around the worLd by the great new LeveLs and by the new awesome characters it provides.