One of the best mutiplayer and wi-fi game for the Wii.
For one thing,Mario Kart Wii have many level that you can choose for your skill level.For example:50cc for amatures and 150cc mirror mode for great player.Yor can also unlock addition character and kart/bike for beating the centain cup or unlock ghost expert in time trial.
There also are a battle mode for the people that just want to hit people with item and steal their coin or pop their ballon.
One of the best feature that Mario Kart Wii has is their wi-fi.The wi-fi consist of 2 to 12 player and each game can sent 2 player to wi-fi at the same time,not like Super Smash Bros. Brawl where they limit 1 player per game.So you and 1 of your friend can play in wi-fi at the same time,or if your friend(s) also have this game you can exchange your Mario Kart Wii wi-fi code to face each other.Also the wi-fi have a piont system,where you gain point if you win and you lose point when you lose.The number of point you gain/lose depen of what of kind of people your faceing.Another thing is that the game play online never slow down,not like Super Smas Bro. Brawl where when the internet speed is slow the character move like 10 times slower then normal.I also need to tell you that if your internet connection is slow then don't play wi-fi,because the wi-fi system is going to cut you off and your going to lose point for no reason.
Their are some cons,one of them is that their basily no storyline.Also when you play the game alone it will get boring sooner of later,but that's what friend is for.The last one is that the character and kart/bike are basily the same thing with different design.
Oh yea,1 more thing if you want to challenge me here my number:2363-6644-6342.You need to also give me your number if you want to challenge me,but let me tell i'm pretty good,mine wi-fi point is 8286.
P.S.-Sorry for the bad grammar and spelling.