Mario Kart Wii is a great game for any fan of the serias or newcomer. The online is very addictive and fun.

User Rating: 8.5 | Mario Kart Wii (w/ Racing Wheel) WII
When I first time I heard a lot of information about Mario Kart Wii I wasn't as excited as I could have been. It didn't look like it was moving the series forward and more of the same (which is not a bad thing). I liked the double Karts in Mario Kart Double Dash and thought by not including them in this one would somehow make the game feel it was missing something. When I heard there would be online in the game I thought it to be a great addition but nothing new since it was in Mario Kart DS.

After playing the game myself I have to say I am extremely impressed. This is defiantly Mario Kart and any fan of the series should pleased by it. First of, the Wii wheel that comes packed with it works better than I expected. There didn't seem to be any delay in the motions when I was moving it. The trick system they have added into the game is actually really fun to use during races. When in the air shack the Wii wheal in different ways to pull of different tricks. Or you could use the D-Pad of the Game Cube controller.
The bikes they have added into the game feel just right. They definitely have a different feel to them then the Karts. They feel a little faster and lighter.

There are a total of 32 tracks in the game. 16 brand new, and 16 from previous Mario Kart games. I love all the new tracks they have added into the game. I have seen them all and there is not one that I do not like. They are really creative. Having 16 tracks from previous Mario Kart games also feels right as well. For long time Mario Kart fans they can relive many of the classic tracks they love.

The biggest draw for the entire game however is its multiplayer. Up to 12 people can be racing and doing battle mode online. I was very impressed on how addictive and fun it was to play online with other people. While the single player is fun, once you start playing online you won't want to stop. Unlike Super Smash Bros. Brawl online in which it was incredibly laggy, Mario Kart Wii is as clear as crystal.

Overall Mario Kart Wii has impressed me in many ways. Especially it's online. This game is better than Double Dash because even if you complete the single player modes you will have endless fun racing and battling people online for month's even years to come. The game has it's flaws but it is a good solid racing game. If you are a fan of the Mario games you will be pleased. If you are not, than this is a great place to start. Especially since Nintendo is aiming this title at the causal gamer.