The Mario Kart series continues it greatness with Mario Kart Wii! Plus, there's a steering wheel!
Gameplay: Where do I start? The mechanic of the game is the same as always, but would we have it any other way? The real difference comes in the form of the Wii-specific steering wheel. This new accessory will seem a little unusual at first, but it will soon be a welcome change. You can still use other types of controllers, but I'll go into that in a bit. You can now drive your karts in automatic or manual. Manual means mini-boosts, automatic means none. Simple as that. There is a nice smoothness in each turn on the tracks and there is no out of control sense of speed which is crucial for a game like Mario Kart. The classic racers are back again, along with a few new unexpected ones. Get ready for a neat surprise. Same goes for the tracks. Nintendo got it bang on with this game, no other words for it. 10/10
Graphics: There is nothing in this department that couldn't have been done on the Gamecube with a little effort, but the graphics are beautiful nonetheless. There is a nice, crisp shine to almost everything in the game that looks very sleek. Item animation is also looking good. Mario Kart has definately come a long way in the graphic department. 8/10
Controls: I usually squash controls into gameplay, but gameplay would have gone on too long if I did. There are 4 ways to play Mario Kart Wii.
Controller 1: The Steering Wheel - The new steering wheel, which I mentioned earlier, works very nicely with this game. It just takes a little getting used to. Just stick the Wii remote in it and play!
Controller 2: Remote&Nunchuck - No explanation needed. Works alright.
Controller 3: Classic Controller - Not the best choice for this game, but it still works fine if that's all you have.
Controller 4: Gamecube Controller - If you're really used to the old analog stick way of playing, this is your best option. Probably the next best thing to the steering wheel. Overall Controls: 9/10
Sound: The music is memorable and very clear. At risk of making this review even longer and more boring, I'm ending the sound category now. 10/10
Value: With online play and a few great mode for single racers, this game is absolutely worth the money. You can definately get a lot of replay value out of Mario Kart Wii. In fact, you might not take it out of your system for a long time. 10/10
So, to end all of these shenanigans, Mario Kart Wii is fantastic. It's a must have for any Wii owner. Thnx for reading!