If you are playing alone, prepare for a good ole' time, if you have more; prepare for one great gaming experience!

User Rating: 9 | Mario Party 2 N64
Okay, I think most gamers can harken back to when we would sit around on our N64, or SNES, and play some good old Mario, be it the sidescrollers, 3-D ventures, cart racings, and so on. Mario Party 2 holds many a few memories like that for me as a kid, and just recently I brushed off the old N64 and decided to have a go with it; it still is one of the best multiplayer Mario titles.

Gameplay: Boardgame fare, with more minigames than you can shake a stick at. Good movement for most part, controls are tight as you would expect from a Mario title. Only one or two minigames seem to combat your controller (platform peril I'm looking at you) but that's easily forgivable. However, each game is LONG, even on just twenty turns, so be ready to immerse yourself or you won't have much fun. The Computers are good, and the difficulty options do come in handy. 9.5/10

Music: Good old light-hearted Mario fare, the haunted forest theme is a favourite of mine. Also, don't forget the old classic lines such as "Woo hoo!" and "Ah-Wario's the weiner, ah ha ha!" Very fun and quirky sound effects for a fun and quirky game. 9/10

Graphics: The boards seem to be prerendered for most part, and this good; as more details fit. Each character is 3-D, and even all have seperate models for different costumes depending on the levels! Minigame graphics are all colorful, and a pleasure to look at. No issues here. 9/10

Replayability: It has been many years, and it is still played. 10/10

I origionally gave this an 8.5, but now that I think about it, this game is a classic; it deserves a nine.