Want a 4 player game to play with your buddies? Then check this out, you won't be dissapointed.
Definitly the best in the series, it has around 60 mini-games, 7 adventure boards and one of my favourite features, you buy all the mini-games from the shop with the coins that you win in adventure mode.
I've played Mario Party, Mario Party 2, Mario Party 3, Mario Party 5 & Mario Party 8. Mario Party 2 is definitly the best, though closely contested with MP3. Adding the ability to buy mini-games from the shop added a co-operative side to the game, as all the players stars & coins go into a coin box to spend on mini-games at the end of the adventure board (this even includes CPU player's Stars & Coins).
It has an excellent variety of mini-games, some sedate, some frantic, some just darn right qwerky, but all as brilliant as the last.
Example of a frantic mini-game:
Hexxagon heat, in this mini-game, there is 7 coloured hexagon's on the level, Toad will raise a coloured flag (the colour being that of a hexagon) after a short period of time that hexagon will rise and the floor below it will heat up, meaning if you dont get on the hexagon on time, your roasted.
Another good game is: Roll Call.
In this mini-game there is a set amount of boo's, bob-ombs or toads in a clearing. The players are given 30 seconds to count all of the toads in the clearing, then they guess how many they think there are, after the 30 seconds are up, the player who guessed the nearest number wins.
As said before, this is the best game in the series, although the MP1/2/3 games are expensive nowadays due to being in short supply, if you have the money and some friends who enjoy this kind of thing, dont be afraid to splash out and buy it!