Mario Party 2 is the best game in the series, and nothing goes against other party series as well.

User Rating: 10 | Mario Party 2 N64
Mario Party 2: a great sequel to Mario Party, makes return of the party crew. It's ultamitly a fun masterpiece, and doesn't go where Mario Party did. It's replay value is strong, and worth seeing.

Game-play: 10/10

The game-play is simply stunning and amazing. The replay value is the best of the entire series. The game-play is simple, but entertaining.

Graphics: 10/10

Honestly, I'm not joking, the graphics are amazing.

Sound: 10/10

Great music!! Nothing competes within the mario series in music compared to Mario Party. The audio and sounds are stunning as well, without any single tiny flaw in the sound.

Camera and Control: 10/10

If you think the camera's bad, you're wrong. It's amazingly spirited and awesome. The control is without clunkyness and chunkyness.

Valeu: 10/10

Seriously, you really should get this.

Average Score: 10/10

If you think I want to give this game a 10, I did it because I played it, and it is really this good. Get this game for high strong action and party greatness. Mario Party 2 is the best game in the series, and nothing goes against other party series as well.