User Rating: 9 | Mario Party 3 N64
As usual in a Mario Party game, gameplay is 10/10. While the board maps and spaces havn't really changed, except for a new space in which you have to gamble all of your money and you can get double or more then double of it, or you can lose it all, the board maps are definetely some of the funnest yet(except Creepy Cavern I think its called), some of them even match the originals. There are also 2 new characters to play as, Waluigi and Daisy. However, the major change is a new mode to play in: Duel Mode! A fun addition to the Mario Party series(but is never seen again), its one on one board map on special boards, doing duel mini-games whenever landing on a duel space. You also can have up to 2 at a time "partners" which include Mario creatures such as Boos, Chomps, and Whomps. Once you catch up to your opponent, you attack with your front partner, and it either attacks the opponounts defense partner or the opponent itslef. Its attack power is then subtracted from the partners or opponounts health. It goes around until 20 turns are done or someone loses all health. All-in-all a fun addition