When this game was first released on the N64 late in its life-time as a viable video game system, I didn't get to spend as much time with this game as I did the first two entries in the "Mario Party" video game series. For starters, the Game Boy Advance and the Nintendo Gamecube were both about to be released, so saving money for those two new systems were a bigger priority for me. And while I was still able to spend some time with the game, I don't think I got as much out of the game as I could have. For instance, I never even TRIED to play the Story Mode, mainly because the Development Team ACTUALLY thought ahead on that MODE, and wouldn't ALLOW you to switch control to any of the computer characters in that mode! Thankfully, on the Nintendo Switch, this game is FINALLY given a chance to shine the way it was always meant to! Thanks to the Nintendo Switch and the Nintendo 64 Virtual Console Service, Single Video Game Players can now save the game at ANY point during the game-play of story mode (and trust me, you will WANT to use the feature a lot) so you can load that save point as many times as you want, until you get a dice roll that you want, make Chance Time go the way you want, or re-do a mini-game in case it doesn't go your way. The best part of utilizing the Save Feature, is that it FINALLY makes utilizing the Game Guy space an ACTUAL, safe strategy! While his games mostly relied on luck instead of skill, the Save Feature makes it so you can simply save the game BEFORE the Mini-game starts, and keep trying the Mini-Game until it goes the way you want it to! Not to mention, this makes playing the Duel Map (I'll give Hudson Soft credit for at least TRYING to do something different) much more reasonable to play, as you can now actually MANAGE to get the partners you want, and the dice rolls you need in order to win against your opponents! Hudson Soft definitely went all-out for the last "Mario Party" outing on the N64, as the game is more than just an "Excuse Plot", as a brand new Millennium Star has fallen out of the sky, and the characters play a Board Game version of "Mario Party" to figure out who the true Superstar is! Beat "Story Mode" with all SIX playable characters (you sadly can't play as Daisy or Waluigi in these modes), complete the Nintendo version of Mount Rushmore, and you can consider yourself a true superstar. The selection of brand new mini-games are great, the graphics are great, the controls are pretty great (if you want to avoid the trickier mini-games, simply set the Mini-Game option to "Easy" Mini-Games only), the sound and music are great, and the challenge is among the best that a "Mario Party" game has to offer! I highly recommend it to players looking for a video game challenge! Enough said, true believers!
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