Although this isn't really a review in the sense that I'm writing it first and foremost to folks who've already played MP4, I feel my whinging shall give seekers of a somewhat retro party enough details of the game, from which they can decide whether my issues would also bother them or not... most likely I'm just neurotic.
More than other games in the series, MP4 has potential for greatness through mere tweaks as opposed to the creation/addition of more content. In spite of being the first Gamecube party, it's graphics still hold up as well as 5-7 and the maps are a nice combination of 3D and the most convincing board game aesthetic of the entire series (though I woulda liked more individualism where the pathways are concerned- flashing metal doesn't suit every map). Considering the hosts all dress up I'm kinda surprised Hudson/Nintendo didn't include costumes for the playable characters. Perhaps a mere novelty but one that'd be widely appreciated in the event of a remake... (*prays to hell knows who*).
Although it's a creamy dream if ever there was one, I don't feel the popular suggestion of hijacking the entire series' greatest mini-games into one package is necessary for an ideal party. Each individual game has a core of classics that can entertain for an entire 50-turn game. MP4 may have one of the smaller libraries but perhaps the highest proportion of frequent 'best of' list entries. A recurring problem in the series is too much emphasis on the 'Mini' aspect of MGs- there's many that would be fun if only they weren't over in under 10 seconds! In MP4 several can (or must) last their full 30-60 second timers and are fun enough to merit so. Those you feel aren't up to scratch (the shorties for me) can be cut out using MP4's swiftly abandoned custom mini-game list. Such a simple yet valuable feature, I'm clueless as to why Hudson didn't make it a staple option in the series. I've known no one who has liked the entire MG library of any Mario Party and the majority would sooner replay their favorites than sit through irritating MGs for the sake of variety. Personally, I'd be thrilled if 'Booksquirm' showed up for 10 consecutive turns.
Having praised the mini-games in general I do wanna criticize something prevalent in this game as with every other entry in the series- button bashers. I'm exclusively talking about the mindless, 'rapidly batter your controller without even looking at the screen' variety here. Some folks love them, far more can't stand them and other than some imbalanced 1-vs.-3s they represent the majority of MGs considered too difficult against the CPU. The rotten thing about these games ('Domination' being the prime example here) is that the winner is pre-determined- if you're the best once, you'll always be the best, there's no room for someone else to sneak a victory unless you have a seizure or somethin'. You're unlikely to find ONE friend who matches you closely enough to make these games competitive, let alone THREE! Come on bash-fans, once you know you're the best at button bashing, what purpose does playing them again serve? Surely you wouldn't love them if you could never win them? Imagine how all your friends and family feel whilst playing against you- it's like a luck mini-game without even the luck!
Why am I complaining about Button Bashers when there's a custom mini-game list? Because there's a few mini-games that could be great with a different way of play:
- 'Slime Time'. A nice aesthetic rendered pointless by being one of two 4-player MGs where you do nothing but batter the A button. Instead of running, the characters could take big, single steps, each requiring a progressively quicker press of a different button (you know, the 'A, B, X, Y, L, R' kinda games). Take too long or press the wrong button, you fly back into the gunk ball. That'd be fun and a lot more competitive!
- 'Right Oar Left?'. The CPU are pretty intimidating here. Instead of rapid tapping, how about something like MP7's 'Mad Props'? Use a single trigger to turn, hold both to paddle straight? To ensure teamwork is necessary, the boat could sway heavily when turning.
-'Dungeon Duos'. A pretty great game in spite of the 'meh' mashathon it begins with, made a bit more boring by the fact that teammates alternate between tapping and WAITING. Instead, why not simultaneously open one another's door by turning a wheel via an MP6 'Snow Whirled' type of button pattern- requires far more than mere speed! As for the platform section, there's not even any point in a bashing competition- the platform can only rotate so fast. I reckon holding one button to activate a rapid rotation (with a bit of slow-down sway rather than sudden halting) would be more enjoyable, requiring calculation and timing as opposed to a jittery finger.
Can't really hold it against Hudson that they hadn't come up with these sort of mechanics at this point but just opting for 'TATATATATATATAP' again and again was kinda lazy.
Over a full A4 page written and I'm only just moving onto my main issue with this semi-old game- the item prices. Firstly, both the Mini-Mega Hammer and Sparky Sticker should be priced at a mere 5 coins. They're far too circumstantial to merit their current prices, to the extent that I've never known a human willing to buy them. At 5 coins however, a lot more players would think 'yeah, why not?', opening the doors for a lot more strategy. Hammering a Mega on someone closing in on a star, laying Sparkys when someone's not far behind you with a Super-Mega... these are nigh-on never used tactics due to the prices. Oh yeah, I reckon the Swap Card should be a bit cheaper too.
Following up on that, the Boo-Ball and Magic Lamp should be a bit more expensive (30 and 40 coins respectively) as a further incentive for players to splash on the lesser items instead. Honestly, does anyone get much satisfaction just Lamping around the board as opposed to devoting several turns of travel to a star? In the average game of MP4 the vast majority of stars are reached via Magic Lamp... the boards are practically irrelevant!
Now for an item that requires a different kind of tweak- the Mini-Mushroom. You know 'Sluggish Shrooms' of future parties? Yeah, that's how the Minis should work- still 1-5 dice rolls, but slower so the player can decide how far they travel. I feel this would make the Mini-Mega dynamic far more balanced. You can almost always count on Megas to do what you want, whereas Minis are currently like Skeleton Keys you have to use before you even know if you'll reach a door! The added reliability from slow rolls would really improve those Thwomp bonus boards with more frequent sneak-aways (speaking of the Thwomp boards, why aren't mini-games at least an option?!).
From the bonus boards to the regular boards... actually, I rather like them all. All my board-related issues revolve around happening spaces, either the absence or uselessness of them:
-'Boo's Haunted Bash'. Only two happenings? Three landings for them to take effect? Honestly, I've only ever witnessed Big Boo once and that was in a 50-turner where I devoted myself to making sure the blimp showed up. Don't see why 3 or 4 other happenings couldn't be scattered around the board which cause the Pink Boos to appear/disappear... this would pave the way for further uses of the slow-rolling Minis with players deliberately landing on the happenings in order to block the desired paths of others.
-'Shy Guy's Jungle Jam'. My would-be favorite map but... my least favorite, all because of the pointless happening spaces- they're on the wrong sides of the river! Players should face the statues BEFORE they cross and the flood should last 3-5 turns, in order to at least affect the suckers who make the lousy wishes. During floods, players landing on happenings could wish for the river to subside. Again, this would enhance Mini-Mushy usage if you could deliberately open your own route or block someone at the other crossing. As it is, the flood has NEVER mattered in all my plays (the fact that it usually lasts only 1 turn is worst of all).
-'Bowser's Gnarly Party'. How valuable an item are players gonna have when reaching those statues? They're miles from any stores and players are unlikely to jump through a mini-pipe towards item burners if they're packing a Boo-Ball or Magic Lamp. As an alternative happening, the statues could give the lander an additional 1-5 reverse roll, potentially trapping them for a while if they hit a few dud follow-up rolls (always come prepared with a Mega!). Getting temporarily trapped might not be such a bad thing though- you'd have the Happening Star sewn up.
..... I think that's it. Hope this wasn't entirely pointless. Doubt the game will be remade in the foreseeable future, let alone this nerdy rant being taken into account by a developer. Well, IF a remake is ever considered, it'll only take this little bit of tinkering and I'll consider it far more than a mere rehash cash grab.
(Oh! Not done... Chance Time, I don't mind the idea as much as a lot of folks but why is a complete reversal of coins BY FAR the most likely outcome? The Coin Star shouldn't so often go to someone who's given another player's fortune and then lands on one more blue space).