This game is fun to play multiplayer

User Rating: 8 | Mario Party 4 GC
When you start, you are presented with four game modes.

* Party Mode: you and up to four of you friends can go head to head challenging the game board and all the consequential mini-games that come with it.
* Story Mode: like Party Mode but solo. It’s you again three computer controlled players
* Mini-game Mode: here you can play any or all of the mini-games you’ve unlocked. Unlocking these games is a simple process, just play them in either party or story modes.
* Extra Room: in the extra room you can play bonus boards. Boards found here are typically faster due to the fact that there are no mini-games. You can also play some bonus single player mini-games if you want.

The way this game is played is you are presented with a game board and the character that you choose becomes your game piece. When you start the game, you’ll be given a number of coins to work with. Each turn you roll the dice and move the number of spaces, all spaces on the game board do something; whether it’s adding 3 coins to your total, subtracting 3 or launching you into a mini-game. At the end of a round (when each player has had their turn) you’re automatically launched into a mini-game (unless you choose extra room). There are loads of mini-games in this game ranging from the bizarre, such as blowing up Bowser’s head, to just plain silly like having a race to see who can trace a line the best. Mini-games vary from free-for-all to three on one and they also vary in complexity, though you won't be scratching your head to often, the pre-game instructions are well put in describing what the object is, and if you are uncertain you can choose to practice the game before starting it.

The only drawback to this game is it takes to long to complete and the mini-games are far too frequent. I wish they would give us an option to turn mini-games off or select whether or not we want to play them when the time comes.

Off the main menu mixed in with all the modes, there is a room called the present room.
Here is a collection of all the presents you have won; it seems that it’s your birthday. With most of the presents being furniture such as a couch and a table and making you have to go through 15 or 20 rounds of agonizing mini-games, it’s a wonder anyone invites these guys to their birthday parties at all. I'm sure that all this furniture leads up to something grand, but I just don't have the time, patience or willpower to torture myself with all these damned mini-games.

Don’t get me wrong, the mini-games can be fun, but not 20 to 30 of them within the course of an hour. An hour is a rough estimate, it can take longer to complete just one game.

The mini-games found in the extra room do seem to be more fun then the ordinary mini-games. Games like digging for oil, and a game where you an three others (either human or computer) are in a book. As the pages turn you have to find holes in the page so that you don’t get squashed. The more pages get turned the faster the pages turn, the object of this game is to see long you can last.