Mario Party 6 is the best game ever for the Nintendo Gamecube in 2004.
User Rating: 10 | Mario Party 6 GC
I am FireandWater109 and I am back with another review. This time it's a Gamecube and it's called Mario Party 6. It's awesome and it has great graphics and world records, so I like about this game. When I first got the Nintendo Gamecube, I first got the new Mario Party 6. It has 11 characters and 80 mini-games. My favorite character in this game is Mario and he's awesome because he has the average speed and power and he starts of the game. When I first got the game, I started with the first Party Mode and started with 10 turns. I came first and it was so easy. When I finished somewhere in 2005, I unlocked every characters,stars,mini-games,boards,and everything. I also unlocked all the mini-game events.When I play those mini-games, I beat every records in every mini-games and it was too easy. To collect stars, you have to go to Party Mode and beat the game to get stars or go to solo mode to get stars and spend on rare items. In solo mode, you get a rare mini-game if you land on it and you duel Baby Bowsers. I get a lot of stars because I work hard. Let me talk about mic mode. In Mic Mode, you pick up your mic and speak at the TV and say something. This is the first time it does that. It has games over there and you need to use it. In Star Bank Mode, you can buy stuff in there and adjust the settings in options. I give Mario Party 6 a 10 out of 10. You rock Mario! That's the game of Mario Party 6. Thank you for this comment and enjoy the game.