I wish they made more use of the wiimote, and made more boards. Aside from that, awsome minigames!
Some boards are... somewhat uninspiresd, while others are amazingly fun. Like, there's one board that all you do is go in a straight line to get a star, nothing to pay to get the star, nothing like that. The twist is that the board is VERY long, and you can get sent back to the beginning three or four spaces from the star... Once it took me 3 hours to get one star, and that was with taking shortcuts. In another board, you "bid" on hotels, which give stars. For anyone who is really good at mini games, winning this board is a snap. This is obviously an easy board.
The mini games in this Mario Party are great, even with the limited use of the wiimote's capabilities. There are some old mini games that are revitalized and are better than ever. This game is worth a shot, but if you were less than impressed by the past Mario Parties, don't bother with this one. If you did like the previous Parties though, you should get this one when you hasve some extra cash on-hand.