A bad attempt by Nintendo to cash in on the Mario name.

User Rating: 5.5 | Mario Party 8 WII
This game is just a way for Nintendo to put a Mario game on the Wii because Mario Galaxy ans Super Smash Bros. Brawl aren't going to be out for a while. I guess I'll start out with the two positive things about this game. The first of which is that the graphics are actually very good for a party game. The other positive thing about this game is that its so boring and monotonous it can help you sleep. The music sounds like a dumbed down and even more annoying version of the Super Mario Sunshine soundtrack. The voice acting is absolutely horrible and seems like it is ripped right out of a Mr. Rogers episode. It plays very slowly, and turns can seem to take forever at times. The worst part is that the mini games, the main attraction of this series, are dreadful. It came to a point where I would dread seeing the game choices spin in front of me. What they did with this game, is took the basic premise of the old Mario Party games, dumbed it down for an even more massive audience than before, and then made it shiny to attract people with ADD. I wouldn't have even bought this game except that it came packaged with the Wii.