Ive always loved mario party and i thought this one was pretty good too.
can not say if i like them or dislike them. While the mini Games feel a little bit similar from the other games they were
still pretty fun, a lot of people who have played this say you need 2 to 4 players to enjoy this but I disagree with that I
played throughout the story by myself and I thought it was really fun. I liked the new boss battles in the story too they
were also fun, however on some of the bosses you will have to rely on luck to beat them and there were also a lot of mini
games that you have to rely on luck, I realize this gives other players who aren't as good as you a chance to be able to beat
you, and I have no problem with that however in my opinion I feel like there are too much lucky chances for that player or
any player for that matter. I wish they would of relied a little more on skill on some parts of this game.
One thing I thought Was really stupid was Perspective mode, you play mini games at a different angle and there's one mini game(don't remember the name of it) where you have to dodge bullet bills the actual mini game is pretty easy perspective modes version of it is awful the cameras so close to you, that you can't see them coming from certain angles till its too late yeah this is
a minor gripe but its just a piss off its not fair theirs no way of seeing them.
Another thing that pissed me off was, I
accidentally clicked on the staff credits and once it pulled me in i couldn't get out off it until they ended that is absolutely
ridiculous, again another minor gripe but just ridiculous.
The change to the mini stars was alright but i still prefer the
regular formula where you get coins from winning mini games and buy stars, which brings me too another topic why do the
critics who reviewed this game want Mario Party to change so much they made a pretty decent change on this game and i have no problem with it but the critics don't think it's enough, tell me this why would you make a big overhaul to a game that has
been so successful for over 10 years, it's retarded, I do agree that Mario Party could use some changes but to just make a
huge change is just stupid if it ain't broke don't fix it.
One thing i think they should change when they go on if they
continue to use the mini stars is get rid of the ztars i feel like their are too many on the board and you have to be lucky
not to hit any of them.
Overall this was a fun game i would definitely go through the story mode again and also play with
friends if this is your first time playing a Mario Party game I would say this is one worth trying.