1P Mode in Mario Party can hold your interest for so long. Multiplayer mode though is the biggest asset t
Nintendo launched another Mario spinoff game entitled Mario Party. The game plays similar to traditional board games such as Snake and Ladders with fun minigames added to the mix. These same minigames are needed to earn money to buy power stars and win the board game you are playing. 8 years later, 7 more games under the same name have appeared on the Nintendo 64 (2), GameCube (4) and Wii (1).
To sum up the game in a nutshell, this game is made solely for multiplayer mode. You could challenge the A.I. on Easy, Normal or Hard difficulty or you can really get into the meat of the game by inviting 3 friends over and having some good old fashioned fun in challenging your friends and what not. The fun factor is easily higher when you have other human players to goof around with while playing Mario Party 1.
However if you even attempt to play this game on your own, you will get bored very quickly. Playing to see the various boards in the game can hold you for so long if you clock in several hours of gameplay. Another factor behind the game is the lifespan of your N64 controller goes down drastically. Unless you have a 3rd-party developed controller for the N64, don't expect the analog stick on the original controller to last long after playing this game.
While this game has a lot of positives regarding its multiplayer which is done well with the exceptions of how long the analog stick of the controllers will last for you, the negatives are easily the single-player mode and how long the board games will hold you when playing against the A.I. Play the game unless you have friends over to have fun, that is the best I can say regarding Mario Party 1.