Mario Strikers Charged Football is a game developed by Nintendo and is the first European online Wii game.

User Rating: 9.1 | Mario Strikers Charged Football WII
Mario Strikers Charged Football is a whacky football game developed by Nintendo. The main aim of the game is to use your dexterity and whit to win the 'Striker Cup'. Mario Strikers Charged Football is a great game that anyone who owns a Wii should buy. The story to Mario Strikers Charged Football is a basic but involved one. You start off by choosing a team, from the start you can choose from 10 players but this grows throughout the game. With your team you are set out to win the ultimate prize - 'The Strikers Cup'. You don't start off at the 'Strikers Cup' you have to get through two cups before that which adds more to this game than other football games. That and an increasing difficulty make Mario Strikers Charged Football stand out from the rest.

The game's graphics are superior to it's prequel. It's graphics are clear, crisp and generally of a high standard. The frame rate is great as the game shows no sign of slowdown or lagg. Each character has a new unique look and this gives them a different impact on the game. Nintendo has also added new arena's and kept some of its older ones however the older ones have a new graphical update. The Wii remote offers new sounds and oppourtunities to improve the game further. As there are new and improved modes in the game the sound regularly switches between the T.V. and the Wii remote. Overall the sound differs from what character you play as and/or if you use a special move. The voice overs are good and are not at all metalic. The sound is another great part of this game. The Menu screen is well layed out and user friendly. There are seven game modes that offer different styles of gameplay. The first mode is settings, this is where yo can change the setting to suit you, this mode is much like the options mode of the game where you can change the sound input and adjust the size of the screen.

Another mode is 'road to the strikers cup'. This is where you select a team to try and win the strikers cup. You don't start off on the strikers cup, you must beat the two ones before this - The Fire cup, and The Crystal cup. In all of the cups there is oppurtunities to unlock new things such as stadiums and new characters. In each cup you can win other cups where you either need to gain the most goals for (the golden boot) or the least goals against (the brick wall).

The next mode is an extremely new mode for Nintendo - wi-fi mode. This is where you can challenge other people throughout Europe - soon to be US and AUS. This section of the game is probably the most anticpated game mode but there are some downfalls to it - Lagg. As the system is new it is bound to have a flaw. Also people can loose terribly and just turn off the console resulting in you not recieving your hard earned points. There is also a nice feature of 'Striker of the day' where the person with the most points won on a day - there mii is shown. You need a Mii to access this feature. There is a friend feature where people can exchange friend codes and play in a mim tournement.

For those who are new to the game the mode strikers ABC is a way to help you become a master at it. This is a new feature that shows you how to play all of the basic features.

Another one is 'Striker Challenges' this is where you have challenges to beat and the further you get in it the harder the challange are untill you are at the near unbeatable - MEGASTRIKER mode. Also you unlock new 'cheats' for multi-player mode which when you unlock a characters cheat will make the multi-player mode more interesting.

The second to last mode is the 'Hall of Fame' where you can view all of your achievments in the game which adds a nice touch to the game.

Last but not least is 'Domination Mode' this is where you use all of your capabilities to try and beat your friends and family or just play against the CPU. This is a great mode and one of the best. There is a maximum of four players (2 vs. 2) and a minimum of 1 (1 vs. CPU).

Overall after playing this game for over 120 hours i would definately reccomend it to anyone who is going to get a Wii or already owns one. For the first online game for wii this is a must have to add to your growing collection.