The driving force that compelled me to review MSC is not that it's a great game; but that it's actually any good at all.

User Rating: 8.2 | Mario Strikers Charged Football WII
It's funney how good games have a way of forcing themselves on me against my will. I say that because I was just looking at this game the other day and I thought to myself, "Hey! That looks like that could be total crap!" Yet sure enough, that night when my mom got home from work there it was, in her bag. Don't you just hate it when people buy you something you have absolutely no interest in? Because sure enough you'll be in your room two years later, playing video games, and your mom'll pop her head in the door, see some unopned gift in the corner of the room and she'll say, "You never did use that gift your Aunt Cheryl bought you for your birthday."... Makes you feel like such a prick.

Well, fortunately, I won't have to worry about such things happening with MSC; it's great! I didn't want to just blow my mom off and it didn't quite seem fair since I never even tried it. I reluctantly turned off GOW and flipped on the Wii (still can't say it with a straight face) and, low and behold, the game was good! I suppose the most sreamlined way of doing this is to next part is to seperate it into paragraphs and detail each of the game's attributes individually:

Gameplay: 8
I suppose that this'd be the games shining point, actually. One of the foremost reasons I was skeptical about this game is that I Hate soccor... it sucks; I don't like it (BLOWS CHOWDA). Fortunately this game has hardly anything to do with the sport safe for kicking a ball into a net. I think it's neat how the interface works. You get a captain and three sidekicks and you can cycle through them at any point with the A button. Of course if your team is in possession of the ball it then has to be kicked to the next player wich you choose by pointing to him with the player you are currently using. The thing that makes this game fun isn't actually the soccor portion but that each team capatain has a the abillity to power-up a shot for the chance to get multiple points from one goal. This is actually difficult to do if you're playing against any decent opponent because if your captain at any point gets kicked he will be forced to stop powering up. Another neat thing is the game, like Mario Kart, gives you items that you can use (such as shells and stars) to give you a temporary edge over your opponent. In all other respects, the gameplay works nearly perfectly.

Graphics: 7
What happened to the whole concept of a graphical quality standard? Don't get my wrong this is a good game and that more than makes up for mediocre graphics but I'd have to say I'm rather dissapointed with Nintendo here. I use to think that graphics were only detrimental to a game if they were totally subpar but up untill now, I've never had to worry about that. I mean, I'm not saying that this IS subpar but it's not that far off either. I hope this isn't the Wii's limits.

Sound: 8
Sound was good; I didn't find anything wrong there as far as any actual fault in the audio quality. Of course some better music is allways appreciated. That and some of the smack tock was a little hoaky. Other than that, though, it was good.

Value: 8
This is by no means a "Halo" for the Wii (where it, alone, compels you to buy a console) but I can see this making a great addition for many people especially if you like the other Mario sports games.

Tilt: 9
Personally, I had a blast. The only better thing than finding gold is finding it in something you never thought you would. In that respect Mario Strikers Charged is really quite unique; I could easily recommend it to any NIntendo fan.